Ferry Farm Community Solar made its fourth community grant award in December, with £8,000 being awarded to local community organisations. This brings the total local community grants awarded since the community solar farm was built to £40,000.
A wide range of organisations and projects were supported including sports clubs, support services, community building renovation and funding a stage set for the Selsey Rock Challenge team! The awards made were:
Friends of Seal Primary Academy -- £1,685 - Provision of a Solardome.
Home-Start Chichester - £600 - Support to troubled families in Selsey and Sidlesham.
Selsey Dementia Action Alliance - £700 - Fund social interaction sessions for people with dementia.
Selsey Methodist Church - £1,000 - Replace flat roof and guttering on church hall.
Sidlesham Primary School - £1,250 - Develop outdoor learning environment for youngsters.
Selsey Rock Challenge - £600 - Provide stage set for the Selsey Rock Challenge team performances.
Sidlesham Football Club - £465 - Set up a club youth section.
Selsey Netball Club - £600 - Fund team members coaching and umpiring qualifications, new equipment and publicity.
Manhood District Girlguiding - £1,100 - Provide new concrete storage unit and fit shelving.
Thanks to Selsey Community Forum for all their work managing the application and awards process.