In January 2024, Ferry Farm Community Solar were able to donate small grants to 7 local organisations with community-driven and environmentally-focused projects in Selsey and Sidlesham. Now, we’re excited to share a six-month update on how this funding has been put to use.
Organisations receiving awards were:
UKHarvest: UKHarvest collects nutritious food to redistribute via the Selsey Community Food Hub to those most in need in the community. Over the past year, the impact has been profound: 2,411 individual visits, feeding 6,056 family members, and distributing 25,458 kgs of rescued food. Our grant supports the continuation of this incredible work. Ruth Tovim from UKHarvest shared:
“Thank you for your ongoing and generous support! In 2023, Selsey saw 50 Community Food Hubs (CFHs), where our diverse visitors not only chose nutritious food to take home but also learned about nutrition and cooking. They also met with key local support services such as the NHS, Citizen’s Advice, and Southern and Portsmouth Water. Feedback from visitors and volunteers has been overwhelmingly positive, reflecting how social engagement around food has led to genuine rapport and trust at the CFH. This inclusivity and community spirit has provided lifelines to individuals and families experiencing financial, health, and social deprivation.”
Volunteers from UKHarvest reclaim fresh fruit and vegetables to redistribute in the local community.
Selsey Beach Litter Ninjas: To buy protective gear for beach cleans, aiming to improve marine habitats in Selsey by cleaning up litter and protecting local wildlife and coastal ecosystems.
"We're REALLY pleased to receive our recycled ocean plastic litter pickers, again courtesy of Ferry Farm Community Solar. Made by Waterhaul which is run by a team of surfers, marine conservationists and ocean enthusiasts, the pickers are made from recycled fishing gear recovered directly from the UK coastline."
The Selsey Beach Litter Ninjas with their new gear funded by our grant.
Selsey Venture Club: To reduce electricity consumption through energy efficiency measures. Rosie Beal from the Selsey Venture Club explained:
"The Management Committee has now been able to obtain quotes for the various aspects of the work suggested and are hoping to move forward and implement the most cost-effective combination of works in early autumn to substantially reduce energy consumption in the Club building and increase the comfort level for volunteers and clients."
Mulberry Marine Experiences: To launch the Selsey Junior Marine Ecology Club, with activities scheduled to start on July 26th. They have already received a substantial amount of equipment for the summer school and are currently actively recruiting participants!
Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group: To create an interactive map of green spaces in Selsey, allowing residents to submit their garden information online. See below the Mapping and Garden Wildlife Survey Project so far. Sites with the potential to benefit wildlife are constantly being identified and added to the map.

Grow Selsey and the Hidden Garden: To develop outreach projects encouraging local interest in food growing, wildlife, and biodiversity. Paul Sadler, the Environmental Coordinator for Selsey Community Forum thanked Ferry Farm and explained:
Thanks to the wonderful support from Ferry Farm Community Solar Grant both Grow Selsey and The Hidden Garden have really grown and expanded over the past 12 months. We now have a pool of 25 volunteers who look after the garden and regularly attend on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays and an increasing number of visitors from the general public... We continue to grow a wide range of fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers which are sometimes available to the public and are offered to other SCF projects supporting Together Time meals and Tea Garden visitors. We have started to host a local Forest School Project, using our woodland area, who have initially been working with Medmerry Primary School and The Pink Cottage Nursery. We hope to see this expand with more projects offered in the Autumn including some projects for adults.
The Hidden Garden, based in Selsey, is an organically run community garden looked after by a dedicated group of volunteers. It's part of Grow Selsey a wider community food growing project.
Ferry Farm Community Solar is proud to see the positive impact of these grants in supporting local initiatives and making a difference in Selsey and Sidlesham. We look forward to continuing our support for projects like these.
Ferry Farm Community Solar has an open grant fund that supports projects across Sesley and Sidlesham in the areas of Energy, Environmental Education, Climate Change Readiness, and Wildlife. We operate as a Community Interest Company, owning and managing a solar farm just outside of Selsey. This solar array generates 5.14 million kWh of electricity annually, enough to power 1,300 homes. The next funding round, with £25,000 available, will launch this autumn. If you have a project or know of someone who does, you can apply later this year via the Selsey Community Forum.